Insanity workout results female
Insanity workout results female

insanity workout results female

In an insanity workout as you take minimum rest and perform maximum high-intensity workout you will sweat like crazy. They are built for such high-intensity activities. Go for cross-trainers instead as whenever performing a large variety of activity cross-trainers will provide you more foot support in all directions. Wearing running shoes may even hurt your feet and it might affect your workout and you may lose focus. In any high-intensity workout wearing the right footwear plays a prime role and it is advised by experts to not wear standard running shoes why because these are ideally worn when you move forward and not otherwise.

insanity workout results female

If your body does not have enough oxygen you may get tired quickly and try to take longer breaks which in such an insanity workout is not ideal.Īlso, read – 10 Things To Do Before And After Workout – Know The Basics! 3. No need to worry about your heavy breathing when doing these workouts, many people try to be quiet which is wrong. You can go longer if your body receives more oxygen. Your body muscles need a lot of oxygen in order to do these high-impact, fast exercises. Start with a warm-up and stretchingĪs you know insanity workout program is the very intense and high impact over a long period that is why making your body ready to start with these you will need to do some stretching and warm-up exercises and if you don’t do the warmups and stretching seriously, you could hurt yourself in the future and your body may feel like throwing up certain times.


If you ever want to begin with such a high-intensity program workout you should consult your doctor first if it is suitable for your body.Ī lso read – 8 Best Hack Squat Alternatives With Simple Variations 10 Tips on How to Survive Insanity Workout 1. It is best for people with a sports background or people who do races and have great body conditioning. Even the athletes have fatigued when they begin in the first month. These insanity workouts are designed for people who have a good physique and are already in good shape but want to get into a better form for themselves. As you know insanity workouts are extremely high intensity and if you start with something like this in the beginning it may cause you harm and issues. If you are a beginner and haven’t been exercising, insanity workouts may not be a better fit for those. Insanity workout targets areas such as your core, glutes, arms, legs, and back- a complete bodyweight which is a type of aerobic and strength training.Īlso, read – 10 Must Have Crossfit Gears To Encourage Your Fitness Goals!! Who Can Do Insanity Workout That is why an insanity workout program consists of resistance training and fat burning that helps to make you leaner, tone your muscle and make you strong giving you a slim look.

insanity workout results female

It is a fat-burning workout program rather than muscle building. The recovery period after one month where you perform recovery cardio.Įven if you have a good physique it can be difficult for a few days in the start for your body to get used to it as it requires you to work with very high intensity. Why cardio so that you can prepare your body for a much higher intensity workout in the second month as in the first month it is still less intense.

insanity workout results female

After a month you focus on core cardio daily for about a week before starting the second month. There are a total of 5 exercises to be performed in the first month. Where in the traditional workout you exercise for a short period and get longer breaks which increases your cardio while burning the fat. The difference between any workout program and an insanity workout program is that in this your workout with great intensity with minimal rest and work very hard in a 3 minutes interval with only 30 seconds rest. They include all bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats performed in very high intensity that can help you burn around 1000 calories in an hour with no gym equipment. There are 10 different workouts designed for this program. These are performed for 30 to 60 minutes, six days a week, and done for 60 days. In max interval training, you work at a good pace with 3 minutes of interval and 30 seconds of rest.

Insanity workout results female